Global Voice Group at the 2018 Transform Africa Summit
As supporter of the Transform Africa Summit (TAS) and technical partner of the Smart Africa Alliance, Global Voice Group (GVG) is looking forward to contributing to the TAS 2018 as both sponsor and participant. This fourth edition of the TAS will be held at the Kigali Conference Center in Rwanda, as usual, from 7 to 10 May. An estimated 4000 participants from various countries, institutions, industries and sectors, including a team of 10 GVG delegates, are expected to attend, with a view to exchanging ideas and to obtaining valuable information on “Accelerating Africa’s Single Digital Market”, the official theme of the event.
In addition to a broad selection of plenary sessions related to this theme, this year’s TAS will also feature the first Transform Africa Economic Forum. The aim of this Government-to- Business engagement is to provide Ministers and Cabinet Secretaries with a platform to discuss investment opportunities and areas of collaboration with a targeted audience of business leaders and high-net- worth investors.
The TAS was instituted to foster constructive conversation towards building a Smart Africa and facilitating the meeting of like-minded people, with a view to seeking policies and opportunities that will accelerate the continent’s progression towards socio-economic transformation. As a matter of fact, the socio-economic empowerment of emerging and developing countries underpins our activities as leading provider of digital of financial protection and revenue assurance solutions. We also share Smart Africa’s vision of a socio-economically strong and technologically savvy Africa. On the basis of this common goal, our two institutions signed a Memorandum of Understanding during last year’s TAS, with a view to contributing to the development of a knowledge and information economy in Africa, while creating employment and improving accountability, efficiency and transparency through ICT.
Thus, in the context of the TAS 2018, GVG will engage with the participants through presentations and workshops focusing on Blockchain as a means to strengthen governance in Africa, and on the promotion of financial inclusion on the Continent through cryptocurrencies and mobile money technologies. We trust that our cutting-edge technological portfolio, which includes digital revenue assurance and financial protection systems aimed at the telecom and financial service sectors, will enable us to make a valid contribution to this high-profile event.